Who We Are

Center for Women Justice-Uganda (CWJ-U) is a women organization founded by a group of female human rights lawyers with the aim of facilitating access to justice for women, ensuring women’s access to information onSRHR and services and promoting initiatives that foster the elimination of all forms of violence against women in Uganda.
The Centre for Women’s Justice aims to help women and girls who are subject to male violence get better access to legal remedies to defend and enhance their rights. There is no doubt that women, as victims, defendants and witnesses suffer very significant structural disadvantage within the criminal justice system. This is not primarily because of direct unequal treatment (although that does exist) but because of the failure to recognise the structural oppression that underlies the different experiences of women and men as they grow up in a world where violence against women persists.

Violence against women and girls is now widely recognised as a global endemic problem. It takes many forms including, but not limited to, domestic violence, rape and sexual abuse, the production of pornography, prostitution, female genital mutilation and forced marriage. A large proportion of women incarcerated in prisons, mental health institutions and immigration detention have suffered sexual abuse and domestic violence. Women who are primarily victims of violence but have either fought back against male violence or been held to be lacking in credibility are being criminalized and punished most severely. Institutions such as the police, that sport impeccable equality and diversity policies, are riddled with levels of sexism within their ranks that at times appears institutionalized.

Owomugisha B. Immaculate


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